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Bringing an inexperienced team up to speed Sakhalin, Russia


CAVU’s coaching program instills a culture of safety and continuous improvement throughout a new and inexperienced workforce on a client’s rig in Sakhalin, Russia. CAVU linked the Safe Start program with the six critical skills of Crew Resource Management (CRM) for practical application on the rig.

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CAVU’s coaching program instills a culture of safety and continuous improvement throughout a new and inexperienced workforce on a client’s rig in Sakhalin, Russia. CAVU linked the Safe Start program with the six critical skills of Crew Resource Management (CRM) for practical application on the rig.


In order to address these challenges, CAVU had to determine how the client, and therefore, its contractors and subcontractors define success? While the concept of success may be relative to some, certain criteria is essential for the operator:

1. No one gets hurt
2. No spills
3. The drilling campaign is completed safely and efficiently

The client conducted a Safe Start Seminar prior to beginning operations. CAVU co-organized and facilitated a highly successful and interactive seminar for all hands covering lessons learned from Campaigns, Behavioral Safety and Well Operations Crew Resources Management (WOCRM) Principles. The Seminar also provided the entire crew with teamwork training and introduced safe work principles.

The Safe Start Seminar was key to the establishment of a rig safety culture that met the client’s expectations and vision. After this initial introduction to WOCRM Principles, and the client’s and drilling contractor’s safety policies and procedures, safety training was conducted on a weekly basis on a wide variety of topics. CAVU also organized additional training during Weekly Safety Meetings on Communication, Situational Awareness, Decision Making, Human Factors, Leadership, and Teamwork. This was followed by extensive coaching and mentoring in the field to ensure the operators vision, safe work principles, and operational discipline were applied in the field.

The rigs operational achievements are no less impressive than its safety record. This includes: 296,464 man-hours without any downtime (DT) and non-productive time (NPT). The rig flawlessly executed three gravel pack completions with zero work site related hurts. The team completed its drilling campaign successfully. This is a direct result of the operator’s commitment to safety, it’s policy of not hurrying, and the leadership’s ability to create an atmosphere where people know that it’s okay to ask questions if they don’t understand, cross checks are welcomed, and mentoring is a best practice.

The drilling contractor ensured all hands attended CAVU’s CRM, Flagman and Safety Training, and made sure that all hands were comprehensively trained in all the technical aspects of their jobs. Another key to success was the vigorous internal personal development program during which young specialists were challenged with leadership positions and received through mentoring from senior leaders.

The third party hands were no less spirited in their commitment to safety, and displayed excellent technical acumen. These impressive accomplishments have been achieved due to leadership commitment to teamwork, safety, and operational excellence.


Establishment of a continuous improvement safety culture, with zero work-site related hurts

Hurt-free/spill-free mobilization and demobilization with 296,464 man-hours without any DT or NPT

Key Capabilities

CAVU’s coaching program provides crewmember training, mentoring, and coaching on the fundamentals of operating in an environment where the margin between success and failure is thin, and the consequences of human error are unacceptable. CAVU’s focus on Leadership, Process, and Team Behaviors drives team culture, improved operational performance and safety.