CAVU to participate in panel discussion at IADC World Drilling Conference

Header image for article titled "Leading From Lockdown" by Caleb Moore

CAVU Chief Strategy Officer, Terry Barrett, will be participating in the panel discussion “People – Attract, Develop and Retain!” at the IADC World Drilling Conference.

Multiple polls and surveys have reinforced what the oil and gas industry already knows: We are not connecting well with the next-generation workforce and millennials don’t generally view our industry as an attractive place to build their careers.  At the same time however, our industry needs a fresh pipeline of new talent in order to drive further innovations and performance improvements. This panel discussion addresses this gap by highlighting what the industry can do and offer in order to attract new-generation employees.

Panelists will examine the underlying causes of the gap between millennials and the oil and gas industry, and hear from students and young professionals themselves in order to gain a better understanding of their perspectives, needs and ambitions.

The IADC World Drilling Conference is being held in Milan, Italy on June 19-20.

To learn more about the conference and to register to attend, visit

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