Ricardo Paixão

Safety, Performance & Leadership Coach

Ricardo M. Paixão a distinguished graduate of the Brazil Naval Academy and Retired Brazilian Naval Officer, recognized numerous leadership and service commendations.

He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Naval Science from the Brazilian Naval Academy. Later he earned a Post Graduation and Master's Degree in Weapon Systems. With 25 years in service, he was selected to command the Operations Department in the Brazilian Naval Air Station and later an Instructor at the Naval Aviation Academy.

As a civilian, he joined numerous Shipping Companies with responsibilities as an Operation Manager, QHSE Manager, and Marine Superintendent in the Oil and Gas Industry, During that period he developed operations on the Brazilian Coast, Uruguay, and Argentina, raising the Company's revenue

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Ricardo Paixão

Safety, Performance & Leadership Coach

Ricardo M. Paixão a distinguished graduate of the Brazil Naval Academy and Retired Brazilian Naval Officer, recognized numerous leadership and service commendations.

He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronic Engineering and Naval Science from the Brazilian Naval Academy. Later he earned a Post Graduation and Master's Degree in Weapon Systems. With 25 years in service, he was selected to command the Operations Department in the Brazilian Naval Air Station and later an Instructor at the Naval Aviation Academy.

As a civilian, he joined numerous Shipping Companies with responsibilities as an Operation Manager, QHSE Manager, and Marine Superintendent in the Oil and Gas Industry, During that period he developed operations on the Brazilian Coast, Uruguay, and Argentina, raising the Company's revenue

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